

2023-05-07 16:34:24  


Kingdan Medical Beauty and Plastic Surgery Hospital Kingdan executes Hot Marble Wrinkle Removal Technology, which can effectively improve skin elasticity, improve related basic symptoms, achieve facial tightening, thinning of small faces, overall moisture increase, and bright and shiny skin. This technology does not need to use any traumatic methods, which is a relatively light and simple plastic surgery and greatly satisfies the needs of different age groups and groups. The operation process is safe, reliable and easy to accept, and is favored by more and more patients.




Kingdan Medical Beauty and Plastic Surgery Hospital's Hot Marble wrinkle removal surgeon is Director Kingdan. He graduated from Henan Second Medical University Research Institute in 1977 and is the most influential plastic surgeon in Kanshi. With decades of clinical experience and proficient in various plastic surgery technologies, Hot Marble technology is famous for its superb skills, has been used in private hospitals and has accumulated many successful cases of Hot Marble wrinkle removal over the years, winning high praise from patients.

The fee for Hot Marble wrinkle removal surgery in Kingdan Medical Beauty and Plastic Surgery Hospital is based on the amount and equipment used at each monitoring point. The price is also not the same according to each patient's condition and the different drugs consumed, which needs to be based on the different needs of each patient. In addition, there should be professional nurses to take care of before and after the surgery, so overall, the charging price will be a little higher than usual.

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